пʼятниця, 14 липня 2023 р.

The mystery of the Kapanadze generator


In this material, a little history from the author himself, and my version of the device of the inventor of the converter with the effect of increasing the output power.

Inventor Tariel Kapanadze, originally from Tbilisi, Georgia, has invented a free energy generator.


This is the full ( longer)  version of the  Kapanadze 28th of April 2004 free energy coil device demonstration to some friends and observers at the Kapanadze home.

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Famous Interview with Kapanadze:

The whole space is a potential field, says Tariel Kapanadze, I have found the key to get energy, energy is also here near us in space, you just need to open it, and to get this energy you need an impulse. Recently I powered it with a 9 volt battery and after a while the device started to work, after that it powers itself, in working mode I was able to achieve up to 150 kilowatts of energy, but it is possible to complicate the process and take more energy!

- This box? - Yes. This is where I concentrate the energy that I get from space.

- Can you say we get this energy from the air? - It's an ether-dynamic process. In his time Einstein denied the existence of ether, later scientists were forced to verify its existence in space, and a new direction in physics appeared - etherdynamics. The process of getting energy from space, one of the main things in ether dynamics.

- So space, a spark and a secret method, and you can get alternative energy. Yes? - I can't say anything very precise, it's a trade secret, and I've already had a lot of opposition, they've tried to steal the idea.

- Who is interested in this? - Here (in Georgia) I could not interest anyone and went to Turkey, and there I patented my generator, then I signed a contract with the Turks, they were to make a 10 megawatt power plant, I started working, and at that time a certain Mindeli showed up and said, I also know about this secret.... It took a lot of money and nerves to fight him. I went back to Georgia, and Mindeli is sitting in Turkey thinking how to get energy from space. The Turks started contacting me again, but I don't want to look there anymore.


- Apart from the Turks, no one else is interested in your invention? - Yes of course, recently European and Western experts have become interested, recently I made a transportation version of my apparatus, there was a presentation that took place on Patriarchal TV, there were 3-4 experts from Europe who made sure that the apparatus is real. The Patriarch of All Georgia has a desire to keep this invention in Georgia, I also wanted Georgia to get a good profit, but the government is not paying any attention.

- If your invention is implemented, what will be the consequences? - First of all, the function will be lost by "telas" (energy com): the main principle is that you take as much energy as you want, every person will be able to install this device in an apartment or in the entrance. The only thing you need is wiring and quality parts.

- The government is not interested, you say? - In 2003, Mikhail Saakashvili and Zurab Zhvania came to my house, the whole neighborhood was cut off from electricity, to check the effectiveness of my invention, I turned on the TV and one light bulb. On the second day Adjara news started, and today nobody is interested...

- Mr. Tariel, are you a physicist by profession? - I only studied physics at school. I am an architect by profession, God brought me to this road, when people ask me how the idea was born, I answer that it was not mine, but Nikola Tesla's, there was a Serbian scientist who lived and worked in America.

- What can you say about your plans for the future? - Recently I told an employee of the company "VESTEL", give me one piece of equipment each: a washing machine, refrigerator, air conditioner and others, and in the near future I will return them so that the plug will not be needed. I can install my own power supply inside on such appliances, which will make it work and run. So future plans are not up to me. In a few days I am going to meet with Patriarch, my wish is the idea to stay here, but from abroad there are offers too, if nobody is interested here, I will go to cooperate with automobile, sea, railway air transport, I want to create a laboratory, today is the age of knowledge and information, if anyone can win, it is the mind, and God gave us the mind, let's see what will happen in the future.

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Tariel Kapanadze generator 2kWt Aquarium2 2012 - YouTube

About ten years ago I had a correspondence with a Georgian who told me the following story:

"In the late eighties - early nineties of the last century, Kapanadze (an architect by education) worked as deputy director of the Tbilisi aircraft repair plant for economic affairs. He also held the position of archivist of the plant part-time. At that time, a group of scientists and engineers at the plant were working on a project for an aircraft driven by an electric field. The prototype was damaged twice due to ignition and fire of the product. The engineers identified the cause - "an abnormal increase in current in the power circuit of the device." The cause was found and a mechanism for eliminating the problem was proposed, but by decision of the management, funding was stopped, the project was closed, and the documentation was archived." 

Kapanadze had free access to the materials. So there is a very high probability that it was the case of an abnormal increase in current in the circuit of the prototype aircraft that formed the basis of Kapanadze's generator. Tariel even called the element in his circuit a "Current Amplifier" [9], which is technically incorrect. Thus, we can conclude where to look for a solution for this device.

Patent WO2008103130A1, 2008-08-28, "Energy transformer"

Classification: H02M11/00 Energy conversion systems not included in previous groups

Scheme and name of elements of Kapanadze converter from the patent. As we can see, in the power circuit connected to the baffle (13) there is a transformer converter (7 - primary winding; 8 - secondary winding) and element (9) named as "current amplifier".

There are no more schemes, clarifying the operation of the Kapanadze converter circuit.  Of all the explanations, which in my opinion are worthy of attention, is the comparison with the scheme of a welding machine, which was designed by Anatoly Pavlovich Budenny back in 1990 (Soviet Union). 

Anatoly Pavlovich has two patents for similar designs. SU1839648A3 - 1990-93, and RU2198078C1 - 2001-2003.  The 1990 patent is closer to the engineering solution displayed on the slide above, titled "Budenny's Welding Machine".

We take and disassemble the power part of the circuit, which is shown on the slide "Budenniy's welding machine" in comparison with Kapanadze's converter block circuit.

In blue I have shown a step-down transformer with primary winding (7) and secondary winding (8). The transformer (9) which is included in the power circuit. with its output winding in series with the output winding of the step-down transformer (7/9) can be referred to the element which is named in the Kapanadhe patent as "current amplifier-9". 

The elements A, B, C which supply high voltage to the primary winding of the transformer (9) through the arrester can be attributed to Nikola Tesla's resonant transformer system. The high-voltage system in Kapanadze's panette is not revealed, but it is there and the vasovoltage discharge in the system is demonstrated in all episodes. 

Let us draw a circuit diagram of such a converter. It will consist of an AC voltage source, step-down transformer (7/8), rectifier diode bridge, device (9) and a high voltage source with an arrester for switching with device (9). 

The principle of operation of all elements is clear to us, the question remains how the complete circuit with element (9) is switched and operates.  From the point of view of the rules of connection of voltage sources in the circuit with the load, in this variant the series connection (#2) is made.

In the practice of electrical engineering, series connection of current and voltage sources provides the result, with their identical characteristics. Complex switching of parallel and series connections is used to form accumulator batteries. There are also solutions where inverter-type current sources with constant current output are used in series connection. In any case, all sources must have similar characteristics. When inverters are connected, the output voltage increases, but the current in the circuit is not summed and is equal to the current strength of one element. The summation of the resulting figure will correspond to a conversion balance that will be < 1.

How does the current increase in the Kapanadze-Budenny scheme occur?

Let's consider how electric circuits work, with the formation of current force in the circuit. In general, what is current force? With my version of this phenomenon, you can familiarize yourself in the publication "EMF and CURRENT". 

Based on Ohm's Law, Current is equal to Voltage divided by Resistance: [I=U/R].
If you connect a battery to a light bulb, and measure all the parameters of the action, you will get this expression. This is superficial knowledge, to form the current in a circuit with a light bulb, the electric field must be converted into a magnetic field, which is the current we measure in Amperes. The formula for voltage drop takes the form: [Ui=IR].  Science, by the way. this missing voltage or EMF is attributed to the action of external forces, in a battery it is a chemical reaction that constantly replenishes the electric field to maintain this potential difference. 

When the current is flowing, there is a continuous loss of charges, or rather neutralization of positive and negative electricity. In order for the field strength "E" and with it the electric current density "j" to remain unchanged, some additional forces or processes are needed that continuously replenish electric charges.

The general formula for a complete circuit is: [I = E / (R + r)], and the Ohm's Law condition [I=U / R] must be satisfied, for a load with resistance [R]. 

The complete formula will be:
I = (E - U) / (R + r), where the condition must be satisfied:  [E - U] = [Ui = I (R + r)].

How to calculate the current in wind turbines, in which the voltage from the phases is rectified and the load is a chargeable battery. 
I = (E - U) / (R + r0)
E is the no-load voltage and the total EMF; U is the Battery voltage; R is the resistance of the generator phase windings; r0 is the internal resistance of the Battery (usually 0.02 Ohm). 
The expression (E - U =) Ui is the value of the voltage drop, to the value of the voltage at the battery terminals. 
If: E - 60 Volts; U - 24 Volts; R - 5 Ohm; r0 - 0.02 Ohm
I = (E - U) / (R + r0) = (60 - 24) / (5 + 0.02) = 7.17 A
Power from the battery: 24V * 7,17 A = 172 W. 

Thus, the current in a circuit whose voltage source is an electromagnetic generator is calculated. There remains the question of series current flow in a circuit with series connection of different sources. Just in this variant the total current will flow, only through the conductor of the element (9) and the load. In the winding (8) the current may not flow at all, but only a small part of it. All the current will go through the diodes of the diode bridge. 

Thus we conclude that the principle of operation of the converter as an electromagnetic generator, the source of added EMF is a high-voltage source, which is introduced into the circuit through the element (9). 

The secret of operation of Kapanadze's generator is in the device and principle of operation of this 9 element, designated as "current amplifier". 


If you want to build a similar generator, you need to find your own solution about the arrangement of element (9) in Tariel Kapanadze's circuit, or the volt-additive transformer, in Anatoly Budyonny's circuit.

A few of my observations. At first glance, it's simple. Unfortunately, it's not.  We have two sources of EMF connected in series. The first source is a traditional transformer, in which the transformation is the mutual induction between the conductors, which is calculated by the volt-turn system. The second source should be of generator type, in which the drop of EMF should occur to the nudy or more EMF shoved into it. In fact, the second source is a converter, the principle of operation of which is not disclosed by the authors. 
My opinion is that this converter is a kind of dynamic device of electrostatic induction on the conductor passing through it. If, in the law of electrostatic induction, EMF occurs when the magnetic field around the conductor changes (more precisely, when the conductor is in the focus of the changing circular magnetic flux), the EMF in this case is calculated by a formula called transformer EMF: 
E = 1/√2 * 2π * ϕ * f 
In reality, in a transformer this formula does not work, the secondary winding is completely at the mercy of the electric field of the primary winding. I have been convinced of this many times, working on various ways to build a static electromagnetic generator. 

The second source of voltage in the circuit called "current amplifier" is probably a very advanced device, in which the EMF of a third-party source can be transferred to the conductor included in the load circuit, without the influence of the primary circuit current, or discharge the third-party capacitance, forming a vortex electric field around this conductor at a given site. 

I think this is the point of Kapanadze's and Budyonny's methods of increasing the current in the load circuit. 
Let's try to model a simple construction according to Anatoly Budyonny's variant. Let's take the idea of a simple Tesla transformer from the people on available elements.

The Tesla transformer circuit shown below is based on 2 ignition coils.

So, the presented Tesla transformer consists of the following main parts:

    • Tr1 - step-down, (TC-180-2), which I took from an old tube TV.
    • Transformer Tr2 - ignition coil (any coil).
    • Transformer Tr3 - also an ignition coil (any).
    • Capacitor at 6.3kV, 2200pF.

The capacitor used were 3 pieces that were connected in parallel that they became like one capacitor at 18.9kV, 6600pF.

To fulfill our task we need to change only the element after the arrester, Element No. 9 in the circuit of the block circuit of the converter Kapanadze, or the transformer volt additive in the circuit of the welding machine Budyonny. 

Let's consider this element, according to the description from the slide of Budyonny's welding machine: Ferrite ring 1500НM, 40x25x11, 10 pcs; Secondary winding (w2) is a bundle of 7 wires in varnish, diameter 1,25 mm, hidden in a tepproizolyatsionnaya mounting tube, pulled through the hole of the ferrite ring; Primary winding (w1) is 8 turns of mounting wire (probably 1,5 mm² in insulation, my note).

It resembles the device of the measuring current transformer of electric circuits, only applied in reverse transforming action, the high voltage pulse is fed into the winding of 8 turns (traditionally it is a multi-winding system of measuring circuit). The transforming action is 8:1 step-down.    . 

Thus, the conductor section of 7 wires (diameter 1.25 mm) is energized by the step-down pulse. Let us assume that the maximum pulse is 4000 V.  

                           The value of 1 volt - turns will be 4000 V / 8 coils = 500 V. 

The voltage across the seven-conductor bundle inside the ferrite rings is 500V. Here is a theoretically additional source of electric field potential difference with practically zero internal resistance. 

We simulate our circuit, based on the initial values for the current calculation:

We get two circuits sharing a common section through an additive source of EMF [U2] and load resistance [Rload].  

I = 0.5*(U1+U2) / (R1 + Rload] ) = 0.5 * (12+500) / (48.3 + 0) =  5.3 A.
Voltage [U] at the load terminals, approx. [230-250V]  ≈  240V

P = IU = 5.3A * 240V = 1270 W (1.27 kW) 

Naturally, the source U2 will operate with increased frequency and the voltage value will change, applying a power factor of 0.55 for example, we get: 

                         P = IU = 5.3A * 240V = 1270 W (1.27 kW) * 0,55 = 698 (0,7 kW)

How realistic our assumptions are can only be verified by a practical test.

To simplify the understanding and design, I have simplified the circuit to pulse load control unit mode.  The main circuit, consists of a constant voltage source, the battery, which has a voltage of 12.8-13.8V at its electrodes. This first voltage is U1. Next, the power circuit has a load R(ohm). This load will be rated at 300W, for a voltage of 220V:
I = P/U = 300W / 220V = 1.36A ; R = U/I = 220V / 1.36A = 161.7 ohms. 

Further power circuit, has a key in the form of a power transistor BT1, which is controlled by a pulse generator. 

Let's assume that the set frequency will be 200 Hz, the rate of 70%. 
At work of the key, closing the voltage of potential difference of the battery 13,5 V, on the load 161,7 Ohm, we will get the following current value:

I = U/R = 13.5 V / 161.7 ohm = 0.083 A.

In this variant, the load will not receive the necessary value of current strength to form a pulse of electromagnetic radiation, in the form of a vortex magnetic field or infrared radiation. To solve the problem of increasing the current in the circuit, we need to increase the voltage in the circuit. 
We can put some more ammunition in series: 220V / 13V = 16.9V.  We will need, for voltage 220V, to connect in series 17 accumulators of the corresponding capacity, which will provide us with the operation of the current for a limited period of time, according to the consumption of the chemical reaction occurring in the accumulator to maintain the production of external EMF, which will be converted into current (vortex electromagnetic field). 

Let's try to solve this problem in a different way, using a high-voltage voltage source. Let's focus on one of the variants of Nikola Tesla's resonant transformer. (There are other variants besides the Tesla transformer), but I will consider the Tesla transformer, with buffer capacitor and spark gap, variant #2.

The main unit of the Tesla transformer is two coils from a high-voltage transformer from an AC source of high frequency, the output winding leads of which are shorted to a high-voltage capacitor. A low impedance winding is connected to the leads of the capacitor. In the circuit of this connection, a spark gap is included, which acts as a pulse key, through which the circuit of the low-resistance winding and the condenser is closed. The spark gap closes and opens when the corresponding potential difference at the terminals of the capacitor is reached. After the voltage drops to the appropriate level on the capacitor, the spark gap is deactivated and the capacitor continues to be charged from the output winding of the high voltage transformer.  This is the pulse operation of a Tesla resonant transformer with a minimum number of elements. 

Organize the work of the primary high-voltage transformer, it is possible through the system of blocking generator. such variants are also not new in circuitry. The scheme will look like this:

How to make a more powerful high voltage unit can be seen on this resource: http://boginjr.com/electronics/hv/flyback-driver-2/

It remains to disassemble design #9, which we have defined as a "current amplifier", more specifically a pulse step-down transformer. If we consider the operation of the transformer, all the turns that are outside the core window have a parasitic effect of field dissipation.
In order to avoid this unpleasant moment as much as possible, I propose an appropriate design of this converter.

We divide the ferrite rings into two parts. Place two assemblies of ferrite rings in parallel with a small gap between them. The primary winding is wound in both holes, resulting in two independent magnetic systems with a high-voltage wire inside the rings. The power harness is also threaded inside the ferrite rings as shown in the figure. 
It is necessary to provide insulation between the windings and between the wires and the ferrite rings. On the outside of the ferrite rings, make a small saw cut to avoid complete magnetic saturation before the time.  All that remains is to assemble and test it in practice.

There are two points here, first, if element #9 works as a transformer, the direction of the power core current in it, will have a vector opposite to the power current of the circuit with load, the circuit will simply disconnect from the starting battery, and the second source will work as a limiter. The windings of a Tesla resonant transformer must have a minimum current even at the calculated voltage across the turns. In this case, the voltage across the turns will act as an additional voltage source in the circuit, and the current in the circuit will match the load. In this case, inverter #9 will work as a generator.

Current limitation in the winding (w1) can be realized through small capacitance of the capacitor and very large resistance of the high-voltage winding. 

To match the currents, starting inverter No. 9 as a current generator, the initial primary circuit current from the source (voltage generator U1) through the secondary load circuit of inverter No. 9 (13) must be greater than the sum of the inverter winding turn currents (w1). This current can be made constant at all, without pulse switching. In this case, the occurrence of power current from the sum of voltages in the power circuit will be many times greater than the winding current (w1), which gives hope that the idea will work and inverter No. 9 will work as a generator of current in the power circuit, due to the voltage drop.

Why I operate with concepts such as "current generator" and "voltage generator". ( www.quora.com ) You need precise knowledge and definitions to design and calculate circuits.  A current generator (modern inductive sources such as a synchronous generator) must convert voltage into current (let's call this action absorption of the resulting EMF) to produce current in a circuit. A voltage generator (modern electrochemical devices such as batteries and accumulators, etc.) to produce the corresponding current in the circuit must produce additional EMF to hold the corresponding potential difference at the terminals of the "generator" (let's call this action EMF production).
In my proposed circuit, by analogy with Kapanadze's and Budyonny's circuits, I have placed two different sources in series - a voltage generator and a current generator. To get the expected effect, element 9 must be used as a current generator, avoiding its use as a transformer.  
Actually, the name in Kapanadze's patent "Current Amplifier" is identical to the name "Current Generator" by the nature of its operation in a circuit with a load.
So, all the elements have been disassembled, all that remains is to test it!

We have considered the volt-ampere circuit of Budyonny's welding machine, assuming that Kapanadze's generator can be made according to a similar algorithm.

In fact, the design of element #9, in Karanadze's Generator has its own engineering solution, which is revolutionary in power engineering.  There are no reliable sources that reveal the design features of his "Current Amplifier (Generator)". There is only a handwritten drawing allegedly made with Kapanadze's participation to explain this device. 

There is another Kapanadze patent, where he probably discloses the principle of operation of his "Current Amplifier #9"  WO 2008/103129 A1 "INDEPENDENT ENERGY DEVICE"  [PDF].

The autonomous energy device improved in accordance with the present invention starts operating with initial electrical energy obtained from a source of initial energy (15) and subsequently successively generates energy and is characterized in that it comprises a power switch (1), a capacitor (2), points (3), a high frequency generator (4), first filter (5), first spool (6), first frequency controller (7), second filter (8), frequency stabilizer (controller) (9), second spool (10), second frequency controller (11), output (phase) (positive) (12), positive self-power cable (12a), output (neutral) (13), negative self-power cable (13a), neutral (ground) (14), source of source energy (15).

I think that my thoughts and fantasies of an engineer about how Kapanadze's generator is arranged are very close to reality. The operation of the element "Current Amplifier No. 9" is disclosed in another patent, where we have two coils - primary (6) with high voltage, which is regulated through a spark gap (7), and secondary (10), included in the power circuit. In the patent, the connection of the primary power circuit and the "current amplifier" secondary coil (10) is parallel. I in the diagram, on the blue background placed them in series, according to the second patent.  The principle of operation of the element, the current generator by converting the EMF of the high-voltage voltage source and focusing it on the conductor of the power circuit, the coil (10), into a magnetic vortex field, which is essentially the current force.

If you still have doubts, let's analyze the block diagram of the Kapanadze converter for elementary correspondence of closed circuits: 

First in the block diagram there is no AC circuit, there is only a clear position that the element of the Tesla resonant transformer (2,6,7) is a pulse system in a DC circuit controlled by a key (arrester -7). The power circuit is not shown in its entirety, but only the output power winding of the converter (10) connected by one terminal to ground, the second terminal is labeled (positive phase output). We will correct, or rather complete the missing circuit element.  Probably the term "phase" played a cruel joke with researchers. If the power phase has an AC winding in series in the circuit, then the operation of the primary circuit in this converter, will be active only one half-wave of the full sinusoid of the alternating current.  This option is not excluded either.

I found a similar material to my analysis: "Let's talk about Kapanadze's generator? In the footsteps of Budyonny and Kapanadze...". I am not the first who pays attention to such a variant of transformation. 

As for the primary winding of the TR, there is a varistor on it. I thought for a long time, why should I protect the transformer from the 220 network with a varistor? It turns out to be the other way around, the varistor protects the network, not the transformer from impulse surges in the secondary, and as a consequence, the primary winding. Hence the name "Inertial".

The author of this material, concludes (http://vladimir-z.at.ua/_ld/0/98____.pdf)  :

In fact, Kapanadze "invented" the current transformer! This can be seen in the example of a 100 kW plant. And in others as well. In some parts of his "transformer" coil he used Tesla's transformer as an idea. Maybe that's why Kapanadze keeps his secret, because everything was very simple! After all, there is no invention, everything has been known for a long time! Does this scheme violate the law of conservation of energy?! I DON'T KNOW! After all, it is possible to transmit high-potential power in small fractions, but the output is the same. It remains a mystery how a spark discharge works. In fact, it is an electromagnetic pulse with a large range of frequencies!

Analyzing the operation of transformers and electromagnetic synchronous generators I found a significant difference in the principle of operation.  Kapanadze realized a way to bring the transformer from the mode of intercurrent mutual induction to the mode of electromagnetic generation. It is this action that I explain the effect of energy multiplication through the amplifier/current generator in his circuit. 

There is another version of how Kapanadze's current amplifier is organized. We will look into a textbook on electricity of the late 19th century/early 20th century. We will find a drawing and a description of an interesting experiment:

I will not comment on this combination, I have used a similar combination in pulse motors, over the main winding I wove a winding with a large number of turns and switched in such a way that the arising current from the transformation pulse amplified the current of the main winding. 

"The winding L2 has a larger number of turns than L1. Diode D2 cuts off the return current to the source, and diode D1 prevents current from the source from flowing through L2. When current from the source enters the circuit, L1 is excited by the current from the source, such as a voltage U with a current of 1A, a mutual induction voltage of 1.3-1.5 U and a current of 0.5A is induced in coil L2. Thus, the current flowing from coil L2 passes through L1, the currents of 1A and 0.5A are summed up, resulting in 1.5A.  So the magnetic flux in the core will increase and the current from the source will be 1A." 
The circuit [# K] with H-bridge allows to realize current amplification in practice. 

Thus, based on the spark power on Kapanadze's device I do not think that this combination can be used. At the same time, the figure from the textbook is equipped with a spark quenching system, which indicates the power of this spark.


I hope my material and analysis was useful to you, I wish you good luck in realizing a similar device.

Serge Rakarskiy

Glory to Ukraine! Glory to Heroes!

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